miércoles, 29 de diciembre de 2010

simple is better

I wanted to make a simple painting of a forest from the National Geographic magazine because I never paint trees. Started painting it, without much enthusiasm since it was just a speedpaint, and lo and behold! people ended up loving it. Here is the picture

 Then I started painting some ballerinas. I was very excited at first but then, after like 3 hours, got bored. And it didn't get much appreciation...

And the next picture is a belated portrait for a friend.

sábado, 11 de diciembre de 2010

Bill Weasley

I've been looking around forums, searching for people who want to turn their stories into manga. You would think I had friends with that aspiration.... The only one that wants to do it, didn't want me to collaborate with her. (yeah Ash, it's you. But don't worry, no harm done. lol)

So after some hunting I found a guy that has this awesome story and nobody had yet offered to help. I tried to get his email but I had to register to the website first. When I tried to register, a message kept popping up saying the user name was already in use (which was really odd after trying 6 different names...). That was so annoying.
I still can't register to the page! D:

This week I've been working on two portraits. One is the singer of the electro-goth band BlutEngel, Chris Pohl. The other was a birthday request. I was working on it on Geometry class. I don't get why all the people in the room were so confused. It was calculating area for god's sake! These people keep getting dumber by the minute. >.>

Anyways, happy birthday Frances!! Hope you like the drawing.

martes, 7 de diciembre de 2010

The price of excellence

   Being good at something requires a lot of practice, perseverance,

dedication and patience. Art is not an exception. To tell the truth, art is one of

the most time-consuming activities around. You need to do a lot of gesture

drawings to capture the escence, movement and spirit of the object or person.

Anatomy studies are always imperative if you don't want your figures to look

deformed. Studying the Great Masters of the past lets you open the door to the

thinking and reasoning that led to those immortal paintings and sculptures that

never cease to amaze us. Then there's the color theory, perspective, contrast,

line weight, lighting, form, texture... the list is endless.
    Every little bit of free time you have, you need to spend practicing.

It's the only way to polish your skills and learn new techniques. Even when you

don't feel like grabbing that pencil, you have to give yourself a pep talk and keep

going because time will surely not wait for you. For every "good" piece you do,

you have probably done 20 horrible ones. For every sudden epiphany you get

about the way to effectively achieve a certain texture effect or the reflectiveness

of a glass cup, you have probably spent 50 hours getting it always wrong and

raging about it.You need to put in countless hours of hard work in order to

produce that which may one day be called your Masterpiece. Annoying indeed.

    People ask why I don't hang out often or why am I always drawing.

There is a price you have to pay in order to excel. In my case, it is my social

life. Art is certainly a bittersweet therapy.

martes, 30 de noviembre de 2010

Watchmen sound design

This video was a project for a class.
All the sound was designed by me. The voices are mine and a friend's.

lunes, 29 de noviembre de 2010

Two portraits

Finally I get a day off both work and college!!
I spent it on a painting "marathon". Finished 2 portraits I had started.
Here they are:

18" x 24" acrylics on cardboard

graphite on paper

I also managed to make some gesture drawings and 10 minute sketches but I'm not gonna post them

Also, I'm thinking of doing some paintings and sell them cheap until I make a name for myself...

Anyways, until next time, STAY INTENSE.

viernes, 26 de noviembre de 2010

Happy Thanksgiving week

Long time no post!
I couldn't update this month because I was working on finals from college. Yeah I'm a procrastinator   :/
So here's what I've been up to:

10-minute portrait practice while I was at work. Gotta multi-task!

A portrait for an activity at The Kitchen.com

Ouroboro for a friend of mine. I made three versions to see how the fire looks better.

Another activity portrait for The Kitchen.

Portrait modification of a friend. She hated it...

Yet another activity portrait

18" x 24" acrylic on canvas painting. Wonder if someone wants to buy it...

This is a portrait work in progress. It's a 18" x 24" acrylic on some sort of carton that was lying in my room.

Until next time.

domingo, 17 de octubre de 2010

Skullcandies are expensive!

I finally bought my car's door!! $500....   >__>".  And now I have to pay someone to mount it on the car and after that, I have to paint it! oh well.
Also, went shopping for headphones. I wanted to buy a Skullcandy set and finally found it, although they were friggin expensive: $70. That's Skullcandy for you.
Aaaaalso, I went into Hot Topic to see what shirts they had and ended up buying 5.   $95 for that.

This week's One Piece chapter was really awesome. Can't wait to see Zoro in action  *o*.
Orochibuto is taking the leading role in Naruto which has me happier than ever
Couldn't read Air Gear.  :(

In conclusion, I spent more than $700 this week, counting food and gas and stuff. No more buying for a month! D:

Anyways, here's what I managed to draw.

Orochibuto from Naruto. (A  friend of mine gave him that name)

The new design for Ichigo from Bleach. He looks awesome now

Hades!!! from Hercules.  :D
see you next time.


jueves, 14 de octubre de 2010